Το μνημόνιο 3 μεταφρασμένο από την ομάδα The Press Project ΕΔΩ
(draft 14/10)
Memorandum of Understanding
Specific Economic Policy Conditionality
The disbursements of financial assistance to Greece, by the European Financial
Stability Facility (EFSF), are subject to quarterly reviews of conditionality for the
duration of the arrangement. The release of the tranches is based on observance of
quantitative performance criteria and a positive evaluation of progress made with
respect to policy criteria in Council Decision 2011/734/EU of 12 July 2011 (as
amended; hereinafter the Council Decision), the memorandum of economic and
financial policies (MEFP) and in this Memorandum.
The annex on data provision is part of the Memorandum and how well it has been
respected will be considered in the assessment of compliance.
Greece commits to consult with the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF
staff on the adoption of policies falling within the scope of this Memorandum
allowing sufficient time for review. The Government publishes a quarterly report in
line with Article 4 of the Council Decision.
In line with the conclusions of the euro-area summit of 26 October 2011, the
Government will fully cooperate with the Commission, the ECB and the IMF staff
teams to strengthen the monitoring of programme implementation, and will provide
the staff teams with access to all relevant data and other information in the Greek
administration. However the ownership of the programme and all executive
responsibilities in the programme implementation remain with the Greek
Memorandum of Understanding
Specific Economic Policy Conditionality
1 Achieving sound public finances.........................................................................26
1.1 Budget implementation ...............................................................................26
2 Structural reforms with budgetary relevance......................................................26
2.1 Privatising to boost efficiency in the economy and reduce public debt.........26
1. Presenting an updated Privatisation Plan to Parliament with the 2012-
2016 MTFS............................................................................................26
2. Publishing a semi-annual update of the Asset Development Plan, which
will include a Portfolio Overview with a description of the privatisation
assets, a timeline of planned tenders and targeted total receipts for the
current and next year............................................................................26
3. Amending the Articles of Association of the HRADF (Article 16.3.) in
order to stipulate that the “due cause” required for substituting
members of the Board of Directors is defined in particular by the undue
suspension or by the intentional compromising of the objectives of the
HRADF with acts or omissions of its Board members.............................26
4. Amending Law 3986/2011 to require the publication of quarterly
reports of the HRADF on activities and financial accounts, including a
detailed profit and loss statement, a cash flow statement, and a balance
sheet, within 60 days of the end of each quarter. .................................26
Other actions to be taken include the following:...................................27
1. The Government ensures rapid adoption of necessary primary and
secondary legislation and implementation decisions, in consistency with
the required actions for a swift Privatisation Plan. All [35 government
pending actions listed in Annex XX are approved [December 2012].........27
2. The establishment of a regulatory framework for airports, the State
Lottery, ports and water companies [December 2012].............................27
3. The definition of the universal services and compensation for the postal
service [December 2012].........................................................................27